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5 Benefits of Relaxing on your Porch!

Posted by Casey King on

Alas, my favorite time of the year has finally come. That’s right, Daylight Savings Time! Those few extra hours of daylight signify that I can finally return to the outdoors where I belong. Don’t get me wrong, I have learned to enjoy all the seasons of my life, both figurative and literal but my mind and body crave the outdoors. So yeah, I’m not sad to see winter go. So now it’s time to pluck the electronics out from in front of the glazed eyes of my kiddos (yes, I’m guilty of a little too much screen time too) and get everyone outside to enjoy our favorite things!

Sure, the annual garage clean out and flower bed weeding even make the list, because hey, everything is better outside! But let’s be honest, I’m a super busy mom of 4 kids, 11 years old and under, so one of MY favorite things to do outdoors is BE ALONE! Every morning I sneak out before my children rise (and I resume my role as an indentured servant lol), to enjoy my coffee outside. As simple as it sounds, this time really lets me refocus my mind and tackle the day with more positivity and enthusiasm. It’s a serious game changer and worth the 20 or 30 minutes of sleep you may lose. FYI, I have tried this same tactic in different parts of my house and it does NOT have the same effect.

This is probably because just being outdoors is so awesome for you in general! It’s not often that I find something I truly love that’s good for me too, so I’m going to take this one and run with it!  Okay, I know its not groundbreaking news that being outdoors has benefits, but I wanted to share a few ways spending time outside can improve our lives overall.

  • Reduces stress: Who doesn’t want to reduce their stress? No, being outside won’t change the situations that give you stress but it can help lower your cortisol, otherwise known as the “stress hormone”. What’s even better? You don’t even have to DO anything, just BE outside. Being outside for even 5 minutes can reduces cortisol levels and by the way, cortisol produces belly fat…so just going outside basically doubles as exercise. Win-win!
  • Improves learning: Before I was a business owner, I was an elementary school teacher (and a mom before that) and a little something I picked up is that kids actually learn better outside. That’s right, improved retention, higher test scores and even improved behavior are all benefits of learning outside. I love reading to my kids outside or giving them great hands on experiences with nature. Plus, they remind me of little hippies sitting on a 1960’s campus green when we do this, so added fun for Mom!
  • Improves health: Vitamin D is essential for bone and cell growth, as well as building a strong immune system. Getting enough Vitamin D from food and supplements is pretty hard to do, getting out in the sun is the best way for you and your family to get the proper amounts of Vitamin D. Go ahead and skip the Sunny D and go for the REAL DEAL!
  • Improves Sleep: Our sleep cycles are regulated by our circadian rhythm, which is dictated by the rise and set of the sun. When we expose ourselves to sunlight our bodies naturally align with the sun’s rhythm leading to better sleep. The better we sleep, the better our bodies perform in general. Hmm….are you sensing a connection between the outdoors and an overall better existence yet? I am!
  • Makes you nicer:  A study from UC Berkeley suggests that when people are exposed to nature, they are actually more inclined to engage in kind and generous tasks than those who are not. If you or someone you know has been a little edgy or grumpy lately, some time in the outdoors might be just what’s needed. Just think, what a little conversation on a porch swing could do to renew someone’s whole spirit. It’s the little things, y’all!

I am devoted to spending as much time outdoors as possible and that goes for my kids too. That’s right, I’m carrying on the family tradition of “get out and stay out”. I’m sure this seems cruel and unusual punishment to some, but I consider it a privilege. In fact, some of my fondest memories as a kid are the times spent outside fishing for crawdads in the ditch, riding my bike down country roads to have bologna sandwich picnics with my friends, or backyard campouts.  

This spring and summer, I’m excited for my family to go biking, do some pond fishing, head to the lake and go camping. While those things are definitely great, most of our time will be spent outside at our home doing simple things. I’m always looking for new activities and experiences for my family, so I’d love to hear from all of you!

What are some of your favorite outdoor activities and traditions? Let me know in the comments below! And enjoy your extra daylight!! ;)


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  • It’s great to know there are health benefits to having a balcony. I have one that I escape to on and off throughout the work from home day. I noticed it always re-centers me and clears my mind. I started to wonder if there are actually health benefits to having one. Turns out there is.

    Ty on
  • It’s great to know that being outside for even just five minutes can reduce the cortisol or stress levels in my body, which means that I would feel less stressed. The work-from-home set-up is currently draining my energy since I feel like I’m always working. Perhaps I should have a porch installed in my backyard so I can relax and hang out outside from time to time. I’ll try to look for a reputable porch contractor soon to ensure that the porch they’ll build would not have nay porch code violation. Thanks for the idea!

    Levi Armstrong on

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